Fees & Payments

Parents are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that all fees are paid, even when employers undertake to pay such fees on their behalf. Admission to, or retention in the School is conditional on acceptance of the Terms and Conditions

The Board of Governors of the British International School reserve the right to amend these conditions as and when the need arises.


Term 2 24-25


Start of Term

5th Jan., 2025

Invoice Date

20th Nov. 2024

50% or more payment due date

10th Dec., 2024

Full/Remaining Balance due date

29th Dec., 2024


Year Group

Termly (SAR) 

Foundation 1


Foundation 2


Years 1 & 2


Years 3 to 6


Years 7 to 9


Years 10 & 11


Years 12 & 13


Invoices are sent by email before the end of the current academic term or following acceptance of a place for a new child joining the School during the term. The date that fees are due is clearly indicated on invoices and misplacement or non-receipt of the original invoice cannot be considered a valid reason for failure to pay the fees. A penalty will come into effect if fees are not paid by the date indicated on the invoice. In the event of non-payment two weeks after the due date we will have to suspend the student until the fees are paid. If fees are not paid following suspension, the child’s place will be forfeited unless agreed otherwise by the Principal. Fees will not be refunded if a child is withdrawn from School.

Fees are required to be paid in full prior to the admission date offered to your child or prior to the first day of the term. The full term's fees are due even if a student is on roll for only part of the term.

External examination fees, including GCSE and A level fees will be invoiced separately.