Staff testimonials
BISR employs around 500 staff, a mixture of Overseas and Local Hire. Our staff represent a wide range of nationalities, all of whom are experienced with the British Curriculum.
Some testimonials from our more camera shy staff
'I am passionate about my job as the Food and Nutrition teacher in BISR. I believe in not only providing the BISR Senior Students an opportunity to gain a skill but I am hoping to equip them for their future, being able to cook for themselves and making good food choices. In the Design and Technology kitchen, the students both learn to make the basics like bread and pasta from scratch and they also have the opportunity to work with modern and high tech kitchen equipment, giving them confidence and joy. It is most rewarding to see the smiles on the students' faces as they eat the pizza or chicken fettuccine they made themselves.'
'BISR provides pupils with a range of learning activities which strengthen, challenge and develop their understanding of the wider world. As a school, we ensure that we maximise the learning efficiency of each student through the use of evidence-informed, scientific principles in our everyday practice. '
'The school provides a holistic and intercultural learning experience for all students including celebrating diversity in the community and beyond. Staff use ICT readily in lessons and students use a diverse range of resources and activities in order to make learning relevant and progressive. Students excel in their fast-paced and dynamic learning environment and have the communication skills to excel in the next stage of their educational journey when they leave BISR.'
'The children at BISR are motivated and eager to learn. The curriculum allows for the individual needs of children to be met drawing on research based evidence and cognitive principles.
There are many opportunities for professional learning. There is a wealth of expertise in school, which is shared in a variety of forums. From 15 minute ‘Popcorn Mondays’ to more focussed action groups. The regular book club also offers an opportunity for professional dialogue around current relevant texts. The professional library is wide and school has been open to suggestions for new titles. '
'BISR is a place where teachers enjoy teaching and students love learning. We are challenged to develop our pedagogy and encouraged and given the creative freedom to develop our teaching styles and experiment with our practices. The REACH motto is fundamental and the students buy into its principles, meaning they are passionate, motivated and enthusiastic to try new and creative lessons. This enables teachers to be brave and ensures an environment where pupils and teachers have the will, desire and confidence to become lifelong learners.'
'Learning comes in many forms within the classroom, and this is true at BISR. As a teacher, I enjoy creating activities to give students a range of experiences for learning. It is satisfying to watch students build a range of lifelong skills such as collaboration, risk taking and resilience while they are learning our curriculum. '
'The importance of well-being cannot be overstated and BISR has a robust system in place to quickly offer additional support to any member of its community who is struggling with their emotional health. From a young age, students are taught to identify their emotions and verbalise how it makes them feel. This essential, life-long skill will help them to regulate the different emotions they encounter throughout life and, in turn, help them to maintain positive well-being.'
'As a form tutor I have a strong commitment to the development, support and welfare of my students. At BISR we believe in forming strong supportive relationships and we help scaffold the students academically and emotionally. The teenage years can be a time of emotional turbulence for many young adults who face new challenges their generation hold with widespread use of social media. Educators like us play an increasing crucial role in supporting students’ mental health and well being in school. I like my students to be happy and I am happy when they are happy.'
'With a focus on well being in the classroom, we encourage children to talk about, to feel and acknowledge all their emotions. By doing this, we can support them in making good choices, and together we can find positive ways to balance their needs in the school day. '
'At BISR students, staff and parents work together in a safe, caring and tolerant community, with well-being and the safeguarding of our students being at the forefront of every decision. The school is continually looking at innovative practices to ensure we are a forward-thinking school that is constantly growing and developing in how we meet the needs of our students. From the early years to the 6th form, we look to embed key skills such as reflection, resilience, expression of emotions, communication and health as daily norms to ensure that our students emotional, social and physical well-being is under constant review. All of the BISR family have a duty to work collectively to ensure that the welfare of our students is paramount and all take great pride in the supportive and nurturing atmosphere that has been created because of this.'
'From the moment of being offered a place at BISR, the school has been understanding of our family circumstances. As an international family, complete with a small dog, relocating from Malaysia to Riyadh posed some logistical challenges. The HR team did everything within their power to make the move as smooth as possible for the whole family. During the COVID lockdown, I can honestly say that school has been extremely supportive. This has been a challenging time, but school has had the best interests of staff and students at the centre. They have been sympathetic to the different circumstances that members of the community have found themselves in, supporting where they can. '
'Students have a plethora of support when it comes to well-being from school wide initiatives and education through Alive and PSHE and School Counsellor support. Students are able to raise well-being issues through their Student Council Rep and their Form Tutor. Well-being is brought into every aspect of education as a happy and fulfilled child learns best. Staff are supportive, understanding and really know and care about each and every child. '
'My Food and Cooking ECA is very popular with the Senior Students and we run 2 sessions in a week! I believe in allowing the students to have fun and discovering their independence and capability in the kitchen. I believe in giving my students opportunities to discover their strength and passion through cooking and food. In an age where we have food delivery apps at their fingertips I am glad to give my students an opportunity to plan, shop and cook for themselves, going back to the basics, taking more responsibility for their choices, taking charge of their lives. Believe it or not, it starts at the DT Kitchen. I love my students and they know it.'
'BISR encourages the holistic development of every child through an extensive range of activities. Our Extra-Curricular programme, House system, Thumamah desert camp and wide range of available trips ensure that pupils are given ample opportunities to develop independence, social skills and responsibilities beyond the walls of the classroom. As a trip leader, I have seen first-hand the social and emotional development that pupils can make in a short period when allowed to explore new cultures, experiences and adventures.'
'The enrichment programme is second to none with opportunities that extend to every child with every interest imaginable. The ECA programme allows students to tap into their interests and become well-rounded individuals. The Co-Curricular week in Senior School in June allows students to work with others they normally would not and do a range of problem solving and interactive activities. The leadership opportunities, sporting, music and drama allow all students to develop their leadership and communication skills. Quite frankly, if there is something you enjoy there will be a group or an ECA for you, and if not ask and you will probably find one will start up! From Lego to dance, drama, to coding there is something for you! '
'Although working in Key Stage One, I have had the opportunity to work with Y10 as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Working with a year group I do not teach in a new outdoor environment has meant that I have developed a greater love for the outdoors, developed new skills and met new staff and students. The range of ECAs, school trips and visits on offer is wide, appealing to a range of different interests. '
'Our curriculum is enriched by clubs and activities, which are organised before school, lunchtimes and after school on a daily basis. We offer a range of engaging, inclusive and structured activities and experiences to support the holistic development of our students. Our multiple sports teams offer a varied pathway allowing students of all abilities the opportunity to grow and develop in an environment that suits them, this is run alongside our extensive ECA programme that offers a range of programmes to inspire all interest. As well as ensuring that pupil participation and pupil voice are central to our in-house opportunities, pupils are provided with the options to attend specific enrichment events/courses provided by external bodies such as BSME, Cobis, Duke of Edinburgh and Model United Nations. These experiences enable our students to meet and share ideas and practices with students from all around the globe. Our community responsibility is not restricted just to those within our close environment but also those beyond it. A number of organised charity events allow us to learn, help and support others from various nations around the world, our partnerships with Nepal and Sri Lanka have been extremely positive and allowed the students to be enriched by alternative cultures and give them a wider experience of the world today.'
'There is more to learning than the classroom, BISR’s extra-curricular program allows students to build skills, provide social opportunities and just to have fun. Staff provide a wide range of activities from cross stitch to football giving all children a range of activities to explore.'