Home - School Partnerships
Students learn most effectively when home-school partnerships are strong. At BISR we pride ourselves on our open door policy, strong communication and the range of events we run to strengthen those partnerships.
We seek feedback from our families through surveys and parent forums, as well as running a range of weekly workshops throughout the year, using this information and ongoing dialogue to help us develop and improve our programmes. Whilst decisions are made in consultation with families, they are also grounded in research based evidence, ensuring that the best interests of the child are at the heart of all we do.
Throughout the year we provide a range of occasions for parents to interact with us, including music and drama performances, sports events and exhibitions showcasing student learning, along with Parent Teacher Conferences (PTCs) and Student Led Conferences (SLCs). There are also events such as International Day and our annual PTA run Family Fun Day that help to draw our community together for shared fun and celebration.
We communicate with families on a weekly basis through newsletters and more regularly when required. Parents receive regular written reports about their child’s progress throughout the year. Teachers will contact parents if there are any concerns so we can work together to ensure the best outcome for the child. Parents are also encouraged to contact us if they have any concerns about their child’s progress, well-being or participation. By acting when issues are small we try to ensure they do not become larger problems.
Parents are also able to volunteer at the school in a range of ways, including hearing children read, leading sessions for our Mother Tongue mornings, helping out with our Duke of Edinburgh programme, accompanying children on day trips and supporting children with their Modern Foreign Language development through providing speaking and listening opportunities. To support student independence we try to avoid parent volunteers working in their own child’s class. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact a member of the Primary or Senior Leadership Team who will help best match your skills across the school and with the safeguarding checks required for all adults working with children.
We have an enthusiastic and active Parent Teacher Association (PTA) who voluntarily give their time to support the BISR community in a myriad of ways. Amongst many other things they run and manage the PTA shop, organise the annual Family Fun Day and raise and distribute funds, as well as supporting new BISR parents and families new to Riyadh. Most importantly they work alongside the school leadership team to support the creation of a strong school community.
Students, staff and parents are proud to be part of the BISR community. Working together we endeavour to strengthen our community and support the very best outcomes for students.