Nestled at the heart of the Al Wadia community, our school is a thriving and vibrant place to learn for all of our children aged between 4-11 years old. We are the smallest of the BISR campuses, with 20 children for employees of both BAE & the MOD. We foster in our children a love of learning through a rich and diverse curriculum that enables all children to make meaningful real world connections in a challenging and stimulating environment.
Our Early Years children flourish in our in the moment approach to teaching and learning, based on the Early Years Foundation Stage programme. Children learn through purposeful and meaningful play, embedded in high expectations and core values. Our curriculum is further enhanced by a conceptual approach to learning where children are able to deepen their understanding and make connections with the older children.
In Years 1-6, we use a conceptual framework, weaving in the National Curriculum skills as appropriate. Children tackle concepts such as justice, legacy, leadership, health and equity, making connections and taking a deep dive into British and international learning. Children live and breathe the REACH values and all learning is underpinned by the 6Cs of Education, bringing together values, standards and 21st Century skills. This means our children are skilled at communicating and collaborating, know who they are as learners and the role they play as a member of many differing communities. Taif students use technology to enhance their learning, but also as a reflection tool to embrace their mistakes, celebrate their successes and thrive in their learning journey.
We make the most of our location here in Taif, with ties to the Airbase and the diversity and richness in wider opportunities that this offers us.We enjoy our weekly swimming lessons and enjoy the stunning venues off the compound such as the rose factories, strawberry farm and breathtaking mountains. Come and join our small yet mighty school as we embark on the most exciting period in our school’s history as we undergo extensive renovations that will almost double our current footprint and the exciting opportunities this will afford us!